Assets Portfolio Restructuring

  • To increase and improve the overall returns of a portfolio of assets, it’s necessary to reshuffle its content. In other word to restructure it, and seek a diversification across asset classes that reduce risk while increasing returns
  • Restructuring is very often linked to a recurrent combination of divestures from non-strategic and non-profitable assets, acquisitions of new assets, and highly valuable exit strategies (IPO, private placement, sell-side.
  • At Blue Capital Advisory, we have developed an in-house analytical approach, that lead us to identify which assets to divest, why to do it, and when to do it, and consequently to strengthen the firms’ balance sheet, and to optimize the risk-adjusted returns of each transaction.
  • We focus only on absolute risk and absolute return, considering an asset class for its ability to enhance returns or reduce volatility. We offer our clients access to a broad mix of asset classes through the convenience of a single actively-managed portfolio.
  • More importantly, our approach consists of bringing the right solution on how and where to reinvest the freed-up funds so that the overall return of the portfolio skyrockets.